
Question #17

'A national Lokpal, however strong it may be, cannot resolve the problems of immorality in public affairs.' Discuss.

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The statement suggests that the establishment of a national Lokpal, an ombudsman-like institution in India responsible for addressing corruption complaints against public officials, would not be sufficient to address the problem of immorality in public affairs. While a national Lokpal can play a crucial role in combatting corruption, it is crucial to understand that immorality in public affairs goes beyond corruption alone. This disagreement stems from various factors:

  1. Complex nature of immorality: Immorality in public affairs may include corruption, nepotism, favoritism, misconduct, abuse of power, and several other unethical practices. A Lokpal primarily focuses on tackling corruptive acts, and while it can address this aspect of immorality to an extent, it is difficult to expect a single institution to handle the entire spectrum of immoral behavior.

  2. Cultural and systemic factors: Immorality in public affairs often stems from deep-rooted cultural and systemic issues present in society. These include the acceptance of unethical behavior, lack of values, weak governance structures, and non-accountability of public officials. A national Lokpal, while essential for addressing specific corruptive acts, may not be able to effectively counter such broad cultural and systemic problems.

  3. Political interference: The effectiveness and independence of a national Lokpal may be compromised due to political interference. Politicians who themselves may be involved in immorality might influence the appointment of Lokpal members or weaken their powers. This would hinder the ability of the Lokpal to address immorality in public affairs comprehensively.

  4. Limited jurisdiction: A national Lokpal typically has jurisdiction only over public officials. However, immorality also exists in the private sector, civil society, and other areas of public life. Thus, a Lokpal's authority may be restricted, limiting its ability to address immorality in the larger context.

  5. Lack of public awareness and participation: The success of a national Lokpal depends on public awareness and proactive citizen involvement. Individuals must report cases, provide evidence, and cooperate with the Lokpal. However, a lack of awareness or apathy among citizens can undermine the effectiveness of the institution.

To address the problems of immorality in public affairs comprehensively, it requires a multi-faceted approach that goes beyond the establishment of a national Lokpal. This approach should include strengthening ethical frameworks, promoting transparency, enhancing accountability, and fostering a culture of integrity in both public and private sectors. Additionally, improving governance structures, promoting awareness, and empowering citizens to actively participate in decision-making processes are essential aspects of tackling immorality in public affairs on a broader scale.

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The Lokpal's Limits: A Discussion on Morality in Public Affairs

The assertion that a national Lokpal, no matter how powerful, cannot resolve the problems of immorality in public affairs holds a significant weight of truth. While a strong Lokpal can play a crucial role in curbing corruption and enforcing accountability, it is not a panacea for the deeper societal issues that drive ethical decay in public life.

Arguments in favor of the statement:

  • Lokpal's Limited Scope: The Lokpal is primarily designed to investigate and prosecute corruption, which is a symptom of immorality, not its root cause. It lacks the authority to address the underlying societal factors that contribute to unethical behavior.
  • The Role of Culture & Values: Immorality in public affairs often stems from a broader cultural acceptance of unethical practices, a lack of ethical leadership, and weak societal values. The Lokpal, though effective in curbing corruption, cannot influence these deeply ingrained cultural elements.
  • Political Will & Systemic Corruption: A strong Lokpal can be rendered ineffective if the political will to uphold its mandates is lacking. Systemic corruption, often deeply entrenched in political structures, can undermine the Lokpal's ability to function independently and effectively.
  • Focus on Individual Actions: While the Lokpal can hold individual officials accountable for their actions, it is unable to address the systemic issues that incentivize unethical behavior, like the influence of lobbies, political patronage, and a culture of impunity.

Arguments against the statement:

  • Deterrent Effect: A strong Lokpal can serve as a powerful deterrent against corrupt practices, making officials more hesitant to engage in unethical behavior. This can lead to a gradual shift in public culture towards greater accountability and transparency.
  • Enforcing Accountability: The Lokpal provides a platform for citizens to voice their concerns and hold officials accountable for their actions. This process can promote a culture of ethical governance and encourage public officials to act with integrity.
  • Transparency & Public Awareness: The Lokpal's investigations and proceedings can bring corrupt practices to light, fostering public awareness about ethical concerns and promoting a demand for greater transparency and ethical conduct in public life.


The Lokpal is a vital tool in the fight against corruption and can contribute to improving ethical conduct in public affairs. However, it is crucial to understand its limitations. While the Lokpal can act as a deterrent and enforce accountability, a comprehensive solution to the problem of immorality in public affairs requires a multi-pronged approach. This includes cultivating ethical values within society, strengthening institutions, promoting transparency, and fostering political will for ethical governance.

Ultimately, achieving ethical conduct in public life requires a collective effort from individuals, institutions, and society at large. While the Lokpal can play a significant role, it is only one piece in a larger puzzle.

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The statement "A national Lokpal, however strong it may be, cannot resolve the problems of immorality in public affairs" is a thought-provoking one. While a national Lokpal can be an effective instrument in fighting corruption and ensuring accountability in public life, it may not be sufficient to resolve the deeper issues of immorality in public affairs. Here are some arguments for and against the statement:

Arguments in favor of the statement:

  1. Limited scope: A national Lokpal's primary focus is on investigating and prosecuting cases of corruption, which is just one aspect of immorality in public affairs. Immorality encompasses a broader range of unethical behaviors, including nepotism, favoritism, and abuse of power, which may not necessarily be addressed by the Lokpal.
  2. Symptomatic treatment: Corruption is often a symptom of a deeper malaise in the system. A national Lokpal may be able to punish corrupt individuals, but it may not address the underlying causes of corruption, such as a flawed political system, inadequate institutions, or a lack of ethical values among public officials.
  3. Lack of moral leadership: A national Lokpal can only investigate and prosecute individuals, but it cannot provide moral leadership or inspire a change in the moral fabric of society. Immorality in public affairs often stems from a lack of moral fibre among public officials, which cannot be addressed by a institution like the Lokpal.

Arguments against the statement:

  1. Deterrent effect: A strong national Lokpal can have a deterrent effect on public officials, discouraging them from engaging in corrupt and immoral practices. The fear of investigation and punishment can promote ethical behavior and accountability.
  2. Systemic reform: A national Lokpal can be a catalyst for systemic reform, leading to changes in laws, procedures, and institutional structures that can help prevent corruption and promote ethical behavior.
  3. Empowerment of citizens: A national Lokpal can empower citizens to report corruption and immorality, creating a sense of ownership and responsibility among citizens to promote ethical governance.

In conclusion, while a national Lokpal can be an important instrument in fighting corruption and promoting accountability, it may not be a panacea for the deeper issues of immorality in public affairs. A comprehensive approach that includes electoral reforms, institutional strengthening, and moral leadership is necessary to address the root causes of immorality in public life. However, a strong national Lokpal can be a crucial component of such an approach, providing a necessary institutional framework for promoting ethical governance and accountability. Ultimately, a national Lokpal can be a useful tool in the fight against immorality in public affairs, but it must be seen as part of a broader effort to promote ethical governance and moral leadership.