
Question #9

'The time has come for India and Japan to build a strong contemporary relationship, one involving global and strategic partnership that will have a great significance for Asia and the world as a whole.' Comment.

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The statement holds true and reflects the importance of India and Japan developing a strong contemporary relationship characterized by a global and strategic partnership.

Firstly, such a partnership between India and Japan would greatly benefit Asia. Both countries are major regional powers and their collaboration would contribute to stability, peace, and development in the region. Their economic integration, technological collaboration, and cultural exchange can foster regional integration and promote inclusive growth.

Moreover, the strategic partnership between India and Japan is significant for the world as a whole. In an era of shifting global power dynamics, the cooperation between two democratic nations can counterbalance any dominance attempt by authoritarian regimes. The shared commitment to the principles of democracy, human rights, and rule of law provides a solid foundation for their partnership to address global challenges effectively.

Furthermore, India and Japan possess complementary strengths that can be leveraged to drive innovation and development on a global scale. Japan is known for its advanced technology, engineering expertise, and efficient manufacturing capabilities, while India offers a young demographic dividend, a robust market, and a growing pool of skilled professionals. By combining their strengths, both countries can become leaders in innovation and contribute to solving global problems.

Additionally, the partnership between India and Japan can contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Both countries have recognized the importance of sustainable development and have made significant commitments towards achieving the SDGs. Collaborative efforts in areas such as renewable energy, climate change mitigation, and sustainable infrastructure development can have a positive impact on the entire world.

In conclusion, a strong contemporary relationship between India and Japan, encompassing global and strategic partnership, holds immense significance for Asia and the international community. By collaborating in various fields, both countries can contribute to regional stability, counterbalance authoritarian dominance, drive global innovation, and work towards sustainable development.

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The Time for a Strong India-Japan Partnership

The statement that "the time has come for India and Japan to build a strong contemporary relationship, one involving global and strategic partnership that will have a great significance for Asia and the world as a whole" is a compelling one, and rings true for several reasons:

Shared Interests and Concerns:

  • Geopolitical Concerns: Both India and Japan face increasing pressure from a rising China, which has territorial disputes with both countries. This shared concern has pushed them to strengthen their security and defense ties, including joint military exercises and information sharing.
  • Economic Cooperation: India and Japan share a commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific region, crucial for their economic prosperity. They are actively involved in infrastructure projects and trade agreements, strengthening their economic interdependence.
  • Democratic Values: Both countries share a commitment to democracy, rule of law, and human rights. This common foundation allows for a deeper and more trusting relationship.

Strategic Significance for Asia and the World:

  • Counterbalancing China: The strategic partnership between India and Japan plays a vital role in counterbalancing China's growing influence in the region. This partnership fosters stability and security in the Indo-Pacific.
  • Promoting Free Trade: The two countries have been actively promoting free trade and economic integration in the region, which can lead to increased prosperity and global economic growth.
  • Addressing Global Challenges: As two major democracies, India and Japan can work together to address global challenges like climate change, terrorism, and pandemic preparedness. This collaboration can be a powerful force for good on the world stage.

Challenges and Opportunities:

  • Deepening Economic Ties: While trade and investment have increased, there is room for more economic integration, including deeper supply chain integration and promoting foreign direct investment.
  • Strengthening Security Cooperation: The two countries need to further strengthen their security cooperation, including joint naval exercises, information sharing, and developing a more robust response to regional security threats.
  • Addressing Domestic Concerns: Both countries need to address domestic concerns about the impact of the partnership on their respective economies and security. Building public support for the partnership is crucial for its long-term success.


The time is indeed ripe for India and Japan to build a strong contemporary relationship. This partnership, based on shared values, strategic interests, and a commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific region, can contribute significantly to peace, stability, and prosperity in Asia and the world. Addressing challenges and harnessing the opportunities presented by this partnership will be essential for its enduring success.

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The statement emphasizes the importance of strengthening the relationship between India and Japan, two prominent Asian nations, to forge a global and strategic partnership that can have far-reaching implications for Asia and the world. Here's a breakdown of the comment:

Why India and Japan?

India and Japan are two of the largest economies in Asia, with India being the third-largest economy in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP) and Japan being the third-largest economy in nominal terms. Both countries share democratic values, a commitment to economic development, and a desire for regional stability. They also have significant trade and investment ties, with Japan being one of India's largest foreign investors.

Contemporary relationship

A strong contemporary relationship between India and Japan is essential in today's rapidly changing global landscape. Both countries face common challenges, such as:

  1. China's rise: India and Japan share concerns about China's growing military assertiveness, economic clout, and increasing influence in the region. A strong partnership can help counterbalance China's rise and promote regional stability.
  2. Economic cooperation: India and Japan can collaborate on infrastructure development, investments, and trade agreements to bolster their economic ties and create new opportunities for growth.
  3. Regional security: A partnership between India and Japan can enhance regional security by promoting dialogue, confidence-building measures, and cooperation on defense and security issues.

Global and strategic partnership

A global and strategic partnership between India and Japan can have significant implications for Asia and the world. Some potential benefits include:

  1. Regional stability: A strong India-Japan partnership can promote regional stability, discourage aggressive behavior, and encourage peaceful resolution of disputes.
  2. Economic growth: A partnership can lead to increased trade, investments, and economic cooperation, benefiting not only India and Japan but also other countries in the region.
  3. Counterbalancing China: A strong India-Japan partnership can counterbalance China's growing influence and promote a more multipolar Asia, where multiple powers can exert influence.
  4. Global governance: India and Japan can work together to promote reform of global governance structures, such as the United Nations, to make them more representative and effective.

Challenges and opportunities

While there are significant opportunities for cooperation, there are also challenges that need to be addressed, such as:

  1. Historical issues: India and Japan need to address historical issues, such as Japan's colonial past and India's concerns about Japanese investments in the region.
  2. Competing interests: India and Japan have competing interests in various areas, such as trade agreements, infrastructure development, and security partnerships.
  3. Coordination: The two countries need to coordinate their policies and strategies to ensure a cohesive approach to regional and global issues.

In conclusion, building a strong contemporary relationship between India and Japan, involving a global and strategic partnership, can have significant benefits for Asia and the world. While there are challenges to be addressed, the potential benefits of cooperation on economic, security, and global governance issues make this partnership a vital priority.