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With growing scarcity of fossil fuels, the atomic energy is gaining more and more significance in India. Discuss the availability of raw material required for the generation of atomic energy in India and in the world.

Answer by Chad #

In India, the availability of raw materials for the generation of atomic energy is relatively limited. The primary raw material required for atomic energy generation is uranium. India has limited domestic uranium reserves which are mainly found in the state of Jharkhand. The country's estimated recoverable uranium reserves are around 70,000 metric tons, with an additional 49,000 metric tons from monazite deposits.

To augment its uranium resources, India has been actively engaging in uranium imports. The country has signed various agreements with countries like Russia, Canada, Kazakhstan, Namibia, and Australia to ensure a consistent supply of uranium. These agreements have facilitated the import of significant quantities of uranium from abroad.

On the global scale, the availability of uranium reserves is more widespread. According to the World Nuclear Association, the world's reasonably assured uranium resources as of 2018 were estimated to be around 6.7 million metric tons. The top uranium-producing countries include Kazakhstan, Canada, Australia, Namibia, and Russia.

While the overall global reserves are substantial, there are concerns regarding the long-term availability of uranium. The demand for uranium is expected to increase as more countries adopt nuclear power as a means of energy generation. This could potentially put pressure on the availability and pricing of uranium in the future.

To address this concern, researchers are exploring alternative methods, such as thorium-based reactors, to reduce dependence on uranium. India, in particular, has been actively researching and developing thorium-based nuclear technology as a long-term solution to its dependence on uranium imports.

In conclusion, India's domestic uranium reserves are limited, and the country relies significantly on imports to meet its atomic energy requirements. The global availability of uranium is relatively more widespread, but there are concerns about long-term availability and sustainability. To mitigate these concerns, India and other countries are exploring alternative options such as thorium-based reactors.