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Many States Governments further bifurcate geographical administrative areas like Districts and Talukas for better governance. In light of the above, can it also be justified that more number of smaller States would bring in effective governance at State level? Discuss.

Answer by Chad #

The question of whether more number of smaller states would bring in effective governance at the state level is subjective and depends on various factors. While some argue that smaller states allow for better governance due to increased local control and accountability, others believe that larger states can benefit from economies of scale and stronger central governance. Let's discuss the potential advantages and disadvantages of smaller states.

One argument in favor of smaller states is that they promote effective governance by facilitating local control and decision-making. Smaller states often have homogeneous populations with shared cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic factors. This can lead to better understanding of local issues and more targeted policy-making. It allows for efficient administration, as decision-makers are closer to the people and can respond quickly to their needs. Smaller states can also empower local leadership, leading to increased participation and accountability among citizens and leaders alike.

Furthermore, smaller states may facilitate better resource management and development. With a smaller geographical area to administer, it becomes easier to allocate resources, plan infrastructure, and implement development projects effectively. Smaller states can have a better understanding of local priorities and can tailor policies accordingly, which can result in more effective development outcomes.

However, there are also potential drawbacks to creating more smaller states. One concern is that smaller states may lack the necessary resources and capacity to tackle complex governance challenges. Smaller states may struggle to mobilize adequate revenue, build institutions, and provide essential services. This can hinder their ability to address long-term development goals, such as infrastructure development, social welfare, and economic growth.

Moreover, creating more smaller states can lead to administrative fragmentation and increased governance costs. Each state requires separate bureaucratic and administrative structures, which can be financially burdensome. It may also lead to duplication of efforts, inefficiencies, and administrative complexities.

Additionally, smaller states may face challenges in terms of geopolitical stability and security. Larger states often have greater resources and capabilities to deal with external threats and manage internal security. Smaller states might struggle to balance regional interests, secure borders, and maintain law and order effectively.

In conclusion, the argument that more number of smaller states bring in effective governance at the state level is not definitive. While smaller states can offer benefits such as local control, better resource management, and focused policy-making, they also face challenges relating to resource scarcity, administrative fragmentation, and security concerns. Ultimately, the decision to create smaller states for effective governance should be based on a careful evaluation of the specific context, including factors such as population size, geographical distribution, socio-economic diversity, and available resources.