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Taxila university was one of the oldest universities of the world with which were associated a number of renowned learned personalities of different disciplines. Its strategic location caused its fame to flourish, but unlike Nalanda, it is not considered as a university in the modern sense. Discuss.

Answer by Chad #

Taxila University, also known as Takshashila or Taksasila, was one of the oldest known universities in the world. Located in present-day Pakistan, it flourished during the ancient period and attracted scholars, intellectuals, and students from various parts of the world. While Taxila had renowned personalities associated with it and enjoyed great fame, it is not considered a university in the modern sense primarily due to its different structure and organization.

One key reason Taxila is not considered a modern university is the absence of a centralized authority or a defined administrative structure. Unlike modern universities, Taxila did not have a single governing body or a recognized system of faculty. It consisted of a group of individual teachers, known as Acharyas, who had their own schools or monasteries where they imparted knowledge to students.

Another factor that sets Taxila apart from modern universities is its emphasis on oral tradition and personalized education. Education at Taxila was based on close teacher-student relationships, and learning was primarily transmitted orally. This personalized approach meant that the curriculum and educational content varied depending on the teacher, rather than following a standardized syllabus.

Additionally, Taxila lacked formal degrees or certifications. Unlike modern universities where degrees are conferred upon completion of specific courses or programs, Taxila focused on the acquisition of skills, knowledge, and wisdom. Students gained expertise in their chosen discipline by studying under renowned teachers and learning through practical application.

Furthermore, Taxila's educational system was not limited to a specific campus or physical establishment. It comprised several learning centers scattered across the region, with each teacher having their own school or monastery. This decentralized nature made Taxila more of a center for intellectual exchange rather than a single institution with a specific campus or infrastructure.

It is necessary to mention that Taxila's fame and its association with renowned scholars and intellectuals like Chanakya, Panini, and Jivaka point to its significance in ancient times. It was a vibrant center of learning and attracted students from various parts of the world, contributing to its reputation. However, the absence of key characteristics of modern universities, such as a centralized authority, standardized curriculum, formal degrees, and a defined campus, prevents it from being considered a university in the modern sense.

In conclusion, while Taxila University held great importance during ancient times, it is not regarded as a modern university due to fundamental differences in its structure, administration, curriculum, and certification process. Its decentralized nature, personalized education, and emphasis on oral transmission of knowledge distinguish it from the universities of today.