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Normally countries shift from agriculture to industry and then later to services, but India shifted directly from agriculture to services. What are the reasons for the huge growth of services vis-a-vis industry in the country? Can India become a developed country without a strong industrial base?

Answer by Chad #

There are several reasons for the rapid growth of the services sector in India and the relatively slower growth of the industrial sector. Some of the key factors include:

1. Demographic Advantage: India has a large and young workforce, which provides a competitive advantage in fields like Information Technology (IT) and business process outsourcing (BPO). English language proficiency among the population has also contributed to this advantage.

2. Technological Advancements: The services sector, particularly IT and BPO, heavily rely on technology and can be easily scalable. India's investment in technology and telecommunications infrastructure has helped the services industry flourish.

3. Globalization and Outsourcing: As companies around the world looked to reduce costs and increase efficiency, they started outsourcing certain business processes to countries like India. This led to the exponential growth of the services sector.

4. Government Policies: The Indian government introduced policies that were favorable to the growth of the services sector, such as tax incentives and liberalization of the telecom and IT sectors. These policies attracted foreign investments and nurtured the growth of services.

5. Services-led Growth: The services sector has a multiplier effect on the economy, generating employment and contributing to national income. This growth has provided more income to consumers, which in turn has boosted domestic consumption.

Can India become a developed country without a strong industrial base? It is challenging for any country to achieve sustainable development without a strong industrial base. Industrialization is crucial for employment generation, technological progress, and export diversification. While India has witnessed significant growth in the services sector, a strong industrial base is essential for balanced economic development and reducing income inequalities.

A robust manufacturing sector can provide job opportunities for the masses, promoting inclusive growth and reducing the dependence on the services sector alone. Furthermore, industrialization helps in developing domestic capabilities, facilitating innovation, and reducing reliance on imports.

Therefore, while India has achieved considerable progress in services, to become a developed country, it will need to focus on strengthening its industrial base alongside sustaining the growth of the services sector.