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"While we flaunt India's demographic dividend, we ignore the dropping rates of employability." What are we missing while doing so? Where will the jobs that India desperately needs come from? Explain.

Answer by Chad #

While flaunting India's demographic dividend, we tend to overlook the declining rates of employability among its population. This means that despite having a large working-age population, not all individuals possess the necessary skills or qualifications required by employers, leading to unemployment and underemployment.

When discussing where the jobs India desperately needs will come from, several factors should be considered:

1. Skill development programs: To bridge the gap between the skills possessed by the workforce and those demanded by industries, skill development programs need to be implemented and improved. These programs should focus on both hard and soft skills, preparing individuals to meet the demands of the job market.

2. Industry-academia collaboration: There should be stronger collaboration between industries and academic institutions to align education with industry requirements. This can be achieved through curriculum revisions, vocational training programs, internships, and apprenticeships, ensuring graduates are job-ready.

3. Entrepreneurship and innovation: Encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation can create new opportunities for job creation. Supporting startups and small businesses through favorable policies, access to funding, and mentoring can help in generating employment opportunities across various sectors.

4. Revitalizing traditional sectors: Traditional sectors such as agriculture and handicrafts still hold significant potential for job creation. By providing modernization, technology adoption, and infrastructure development in these sectors, more employment opportunities can be generated.

5. Foreign direct investment (FDI) and export-oriented industries: Attracting FDI and promoting export-oriented industries can drive job creation. This requires creating a favorable business environment, improving infrastructure, reducing bureaucratic hurdles, and offering incentives to foreign investors.

6. Government initiatives: The government plays a crucial role in creating a conducive environment for job creation. Policies focusing on ease of doing business, industry-specific incentives, promoting manufacturing, and supporting the growth of sectors with high employment potential are essential.

In summary, addressing the dropping rates of employability in India is crucial to capitalize on its demographic dividend. Jobs that India desperately needs can come from a combination of skill development programs, industry-academia collaboration, entrepreneurship and innovation, revitalizing traditional sectors, attracting FDI, and implementing government initiatives. By focusing on these areas, India can unlock its full employment potential and ensure sustainable economic growth.