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The ancient civilization in Indian sub-continent differed from those of Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece in that its culture and traditions have been preserved without a breakdown to the present day. Comment.

Answer by Chad #

The statement is generally accurate as the ancient civilization in the Indian subcontinent did differ from the civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Greece in the extent to which its culture and traditions have been preserved until the present day.

One of the key reasons for this preservation is the continuity of Indian civilization. The Indian subcontinent has a long history of continuous settlement and cultural development, with evidence of human inhabitation dating back to the Indus Valley Civilization (approximately 3300–1300 BCE). While many empires and kingdoms have risen and fallen, the Indian subcontinent has always maintained a sense of cultural continuity.

Religion and spirituality have played a significant role in preserving Indian culture. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, all originated in the Indian subcontinent and have deep-rooted traditions and rituals that have been passed down for centuries. These religious and spiritual practices continue to influence Indian society and contribute to the preservation of cultural traditions.

Additionally, the oral tradition has played a crucial role in preserving Indian culture. Ancient texts, such as the Vedas, Upanishads, and epics like the Mahabharata and Ramayana, were initially passed down through generations orally before they were written down. This oral tradition ensured that the cultural heritage, folklore, and traditions were preserved and transmitted to future generations.

The caste system has also played a role in preserving Indian culture, although it has also been a source of controversy and inequality. The caste system, which divides society into hierarchical groups, has influenced the preservation of specific cultural practices, traditions, and occupations associated with different castes.

Furthermore, the influence of invaders and colonization was relatively limited in the Indian subcontinent compared to Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Greece. India did experience invasions by various dynasties and empires, such as the Mughals and the British, but these influences did not completely overshadow or eradicate the indigenous culture and traditions.

Overall, the ancient civilization of the Indian subcontinent has managed to preserve its culture and traditions to a greater extent than the civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Greece. The continuity of Indian civilization, the influence of religions, the oral tradition, the caste system, and limited foreign influence have all contributed to the preservation of its rich cultural heritage, which can still be observed in various aspects of contemporary Indian society.