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Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkata are the three Mega cities of the country but the air pollution is much more serious probelm in Delhi as compared to the other two. Why is this so?

Answer by Chad #

There are several reasons why air pollution is more serious in Delhi compared to Mumbai and Kolkata. Here are a few key factors:

1. Geography and weather patterns: Delhi's geographical location and topography contribute significantly to its air pollution woes. The city is landlocked and located in a bowl-shaped basin, which traps pollutants and hampers their dispersion. Additionally, during the winter months when the air is cool and stagnant, these pollutants get trapped closer to the ground, exacerbating the situation.

2. Population and urbanization: Delhi is the most populous city in India, with a steadily increasing population. Rapid urbanization, coupled with migration from rural areas, has led to a rise in vehicular traffic, industrial activities, and construction, all of which contribute to air pollution.

3. Vehicular emissions: Delhi has a high number of vehicles on its roads, including a significant number of older, more polluting vehicles. The inadequate public transport system and a preference for private vehicles have led to increased traffic congestion and emissions.

4. Industrial activities: Delhi is surrounded by industrial areas, where factories often operate without adhering to strict pollution control measures. Emissions from these industries, including coal-fired power plants, contribute to the city's air pollution.

5. Agricultural practices: The burning of crop stubble in the neighboring states of Punjab and Haryana, particularly during the post-harvest season, releases large amounts of pollutants into the air. The wind carries these pollutants towards Delhi, further deteriorating air quality.

6. Construction and dust: Delhi's rapid urbanization and infrastructure development projects generate significant amounts of dust and construction activity, which contribute to particulate matter in the air.

It is important to note that while Delhi may have the worst air pollution levels, Mumbai and Kolkata also face their own air quality challenges. Factors such as industrial activities, vehicular emissions, and urbanization contribute to varying degrees of air pollution in all three cities.