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It would have been difficult for the Constituent Assembly to complete its historic task of drafting the Constitution for Independent India in just three years but its experience gained with the Government of India Act, 1935. Discuss.

Answer by Chad #

The task of drafting the Constitution for Independent India was undoubtedly a monumental one and completing it in just three years was a challenging endeavor. However, the Constituent Assembly was able to draw upon its experience with the Government of India Act, 1935, which provided a significant foundation for the process.

Firstly, the Government of India Act, 1935 was the most extensive constitutional document of its time. It laid down the framework of the federal structure and outlined the powers and responsibilities of the central and provincial governments. The Constituent Assembly could build upon this foundation, utilizing the existing structure and provisions, and adapting them to suit the requirements of an independent nation.

Secondly, the Government of India Act, 1935 introduced certain democratic features like the establishment of a bicameral legislature, separation of powers, and the beginning of responsible government. The Constituent Assembly could learn from these provisions and incorporate them into the new Constitution, ensuring that democratic principles were upheld in the governance of independent India.

Furthermore, the experience gained from the implementation of the Government of India Act, 1935 provided the Constituent Assembly with an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the existing system. It allowed them to identify areas that needed improvement or modification in order to create a more effective and efficient constitutional framework. This understanding enabled the Assembly to expedite the drafting process, as they were working with a clearer perspective on what needed to be achieved.

Additionally, the presence of experienced lawmakers and jurists in the Constituent Assembly, many of whom had worked with or studied the Government of India Act, 1935, provided invaluable expertise. Their knowledge and insights into the functioning of the previous system helped expedite the decision-making process and avoid potential hurdles.

While the drafting of the Constitution in just three years was a remarkable feat, it must be acknowledged that it was not solely due to the experience with the Government of India Act, 1935. The dedication, commitment, and tireless efforts of the Constituent Assembly members, along with their diverse background and perspectives, played a significant role in achieving this task within the given timeframe.

In conclusion, the experience gained with the Government of India Act, 1935 provided the Constituent Assembly with a strong foundation to build upon while drafting the Constitution for Independent India. It facilitated the understanding of democratic principles, identified areas needing improvement, and expedited the decision-making process. However, it is important to recognize the collective efforts and expertise of the Constituent Assembly members, which were also crucial in accomplishing this historic task.