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To what extend can Germany be held responsible for causing the two World Wars? Discuss critically.

Answer by Chad #

Assigning responsibility for the two World Wars is a complex task, and while Germany undeniably played a significant role in both conflicts, it is important to critically analyze the extent to which the country can be held responsible.

1. World War I:

The outbreak of World War I cannot be solely attributed to Germany. Multiple factors and a network of alliances contributed to the conflict. Key factors include:

a) Alliance system: The complex web of alliances among European powers was a major contributing factor. Germany's alliance with Austria-Hungary made it a participant in the war, but other nations also had similar commitments.

b) Sparking events: The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was the immediate trigger for the war, and while German leaders supported Austria-Hungary, they did not directly participate.

c) Failure of diplomatic efforts: Diplomatic failures and miscalculations by multiple countries, including Germany, contributed to escalating tension.

Germany, however, bears some responsibility due to the following reasons:

a) Inflexible diplomacy: Germany's pursuit of an aggressive foreign policy, particularly the decision to provide Austria-Hungary with an unconditional "blank check" of support, escalated the conflict.

b) Violation of Belgian neutrality: Germany's decision to invade Belgium violated international treaties, which had wider implications and drew other nations, including Great Britain, into the war.

c) Use of unrestricted submarine warfare: Germany's use of unrestricted submarine warfare, without considering the consequences, led to the sinking of neutral ships and further international condemnation.

2. World War II:

Germany's culpability for World War II is more substantial. Key reasons include:

a) Expansionist policies: Adolf Hitler's aggressive expansionist policies, illustrated by the annexation of Austria and the occupation of Czechoslovakia, showed Germany's desire for territorial conquest.

b) Invasion of Poland: The invasion of Poland by Germany in 1939, without any legitimate justification, triggered the war. This act of aggression violated international norms and treaties.

c) Holocaust and war crimes: Germany's systematic genocide of millions in the Holocaust and other war crimes constitute a significant moral culpability.

However, it is crucial to recognize that Germany alone cannot be held solely responsible for World War II. Other factors include:

a) Treaty of Versailles: The harsh terms imposed by the Treaty of Versailles after World War I created an environment fertile for extremist ideologies and paved the way for Hitler's rise to power.

b) Appeasement policy: The flawed policy of appeasement pursued by major powers, such as Great Britain and France, allowed Germany to continue its aggression unchecked.

In summary, Germany can be held responsible to a significant extent for both World Wars. In World War I, while partly responsible for its diplomatic failure and involvement in alliances, the blame is shared among multiple nations. However, in World War II, Germany's expansionist policies, war crimes, and aggression make it primarily responsible, although other factors should not be disregarded. Contextualizing historical events and multiple factors is essential to assessing responsibility accurately.