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Project 'Mausam' is considered a unique foreign policy initiative of the Indian government to improve relationship with its neighbours. Does the project have a strategic dimension? Discuss.

Answer by Chad #

Yes, the project 'Mausam' does have a strategic dimension. The main objective of the project is to trace the ancient maritime routes and cultural linkages between the countries of the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. By doing so, the Indian government aims to strengthen its cultural ties and promote historical and archaeological research with its neighboring countries.

From a strategic perspective, 'Mausam' helps in projecting India's soft power in the region. By showcasing India's rich cultural heritage and historical connections, the project aims to create a favorable image for India among its neighbors. This can have long-term geopolitical implications as it fosters a positive perception of India's intentions and influence in the region.

Furthermore, 'Mausam' also serves as a platform for diplomatic engagement and building trust with neighboring countries. Collaborative research and cultural exchanges facilitated by the project provide opportunities for deepening relationships, resolving historical disputes, and fostering regional cooperation.

Another strategic aspect is the economic potential that 'Mausam' brings. Rediscovering ancient maritime routes can have implications for trade and connectivity, leading to enhanced economic cooperation among the participating countries. This can also contribute to India's wider goal of becoming a regional economic power.

Lastly, the project serves as a counterbalance to China's growing influence in the Indian Ocean region. China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has raised concerns among some countries due to its strategic implications. 'Mausam' can be seen as India's response to this, aiming to reinforce its historical and cultural ties with neighboring countries and making its presence felt in the region.

Overall, while 'Mausam' is primarily a cultural and historical initiative, it does have a strategic dimension. By fostering diplomatic engagement, enhancing regional cooperation, projecting soft power, and countering China's influence, the project contributes to India's broader foreign policy objectives in the region.