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What do you understand by "Standard Positioning System" and "Precision positioning system" in the GPS era? Discuss the advantage India perceives from its ambitious IRNSS programme employing just seven satellites.

Answer by Chad #

The "Standard Positioning System" refers to the common GPS system that is available globally and used by millions of people for various purposes. It provides positioning and navigation services with an accuracy level of around 5 to 10 meters.

On the other hand, the "Precision Positioning System" encompasses more advanced technologies that offer increased accuracy and reliability. It can provide positioning and navigation with centimeter-level accuracy, which is suitable for critical applications such as in aviation, precision agriculture, surveying, and autonomous vehicles.

India perceives several advantages from its ambitious Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) program, also known as NavIC (Navigation with Indian Constellation), which employs just seven satellites. Some of the advantages include:

1. Regional Autonomy: By having its indigenous navigation system, India reduces its dependence on foreign systems like GPS or GLONASS, ensuring regional autonomy and strategic control over crucial services.

2. Enhanced Accuracy: While the standard GPS provides accuracy within a few meters, IRNSS aims to achieve accuracy within a few centimeters. This increased precision facilitates more efficient use in sectors like transportation, mapping, and disaster management.

3. Improved Signal Availability: With seven satellites in the IRNSS constellation, India's coverage and signal availability are more reliable. It ensures continuous positioning and navigation services even in challenging environments like dense urban areas or deep canyons.

4. Security and Defense Applications: Having its navigation system enhances national security as it reduces the vulnerability of critical infrastructure to cyber threats or denial of service. IRNSS can also be leveraged for military applications, including missile guidance and target tracking.

5. Economic Opportunities: By having its navigation system, India can leverage commercial opportunities by providing precise positioning and navigation services to various sectors. It can create new industries, generate employment, and contribute to the country's economic growth.

Overall, while the standard positioning system offers reliable navigation services, the precision positioning system like IRNSS can offer more accurate and robust solutions for critical applications, contributing to strategic autonomy, national security, and economic development.