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Religious indoctrination via social media has resulted in Indian youth joining the ISIS. What is ISIS and its mission? How can ISIS be dangerous to the internal security of our country?

Answer by Chad #

ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), also known as ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) or Daesh, is a militant extremist group that emerged in 2013. Its mission is to establish an Islamic caliphate governed by strict Sharia law, encompassing territories in Iraq, Syria, and beyond. Although it has faced significant military setbacks in recent years, the group continues to operate and inspire individuals and cells globally through its propaganda.

ISIS can be dangerous to the internal security of a country, including India, for several reasons:

1. Radicalization and Recruitment: ISIS utilizes social media as a powerful tool to spread its extremist ideology, recruit new members, and mobilize sympathizers. With a sophisticated online presence and effective propaganda, they target vulnerable individuals, especially disaffected youth, through indoctrination and brainwashing techniques.

2. Foreign Fighters and Returnees: ISIS attracts foreign fighters from around the world, including some Indian nationals who have traveled to Iraq and Syria to join their ranks. These individuals undergo military training, gain combat experience, and can later return to their home countries, potentially posing a significant security threat.

3. Lone-Wolf Attacks: ISIS propagates the notion of individual jihad, encouraging its followers to carry out attacks wherever they are, using any available means. The self-radicalized individuals, often referred to as lone-wolf terrorists, inspired by ISIS propaganda, can carry out terrorist acts independently, making it challenging for security agencies to detect and prevent such attacks.

4. Sectarian Tensions and Radicalization: ISIS follows an extremist interpretation of Sunni Islam and targets Shi'a Muslims and other minority groups. By exacerbating existing sectarian tensions within countries like India, ISIS aims to sow discord, incite violence, and create social unrest, which can threaten internal peace and security.

5. Global Terror Network: ISIS has established a decentralized global network, linking sympathizers, affiliates, and cells worldwide. These networks enable the dissemination of propaganda, funding, training, and operational support. Such networks can facilitate the planning and execution of coordinated attacks across different regions, including within India.

Therefore, countering the influence and activities of ISIS, and preventing its radicalization of youth, is crucial to maintaining internal security. This requires collaborative efforts between governments, intelligence agencies, community leaders, and educational institutions to counter extremist ideology, monitor online recruitment activities, enhance soft skills training, and promote inclusive social cohesion.