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With a brief background of quality of urban life in India, introduce the objectives and strategy of the 'Smart City Programme'.

Answer by Chad #

The quality of urban life in India has been a matter of concern due to various challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, traffic congestion, insufficient public services, and environmental degradation. Rapid urbanization and population growth have further intensified these issues, leading to a decline in the overall livability of cities.

To address these challenges, the Indian government launched the 'Smart City Programme' in 2015. The primary objective of this program is to improve the quality of life and services in Indian cities by leveraging technology and innovation. The strategy of the Smart City Programme is based on the following key pillars:

1. Integrated Development: The program aims to promote integrated development by incorporating various sectors such as transportation, infrastructure, housing, and governance. This approach ensures that aspects of urban life are interconnected, leading to sustainable and inclusive development.

2. Citizen-Centric Approach: The Smart City Programme focuses on the needs and aspirations of citizens. It encourages active citizen participation in decision-making processes, emphasizing their role as key stakeholders in shaping the future of their cities. The program aims to create a more inclusive and responsive urban governance system.

3. Sustainability and Resilience: The program emphasizes the importance of sustainable development and resilience in urban planning. It encourages the use of eco-friendly technology, renewable energy sources, and efficient resource management. The goal is to create cities that are environmentally sustainable, resilient to natural disasters, and able to withstand the challenges of urbanization.

4. Technology and Innovation: The Smart City Programme heavily relies on leveraging technology and innovation to transform cities. It seeks to integrate various digital platforms, smart infrastructure, and data-driven decision-making processes. The aim is to improve the efficiency of urban services, enhance connectivity, and promote digital inclusion.

5. Quality Infrastructure and Services: The program aims to improve the existing infrastructure and provide high-quality urban services to citizens. This includes upgrading transportation networks, enhancing waste management systems, ensuring access to clean water and sanitation facilities, and improving healthcare and education services.

Overall, the objectives and strategy of the Smart City Programme in India are centered around creating sustainable, inclusive, and technologically advanced cities that prioritize the well-being and needs of their citizens. By investing in smart infrastructure, utilizing innovative technologies, and fostering citizen participation, the program seeks to enhance the overall quality of urban life in India.