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The women's questions arose in modern India as a part of the 19th century social reform movement. What are the major issues and debates concerning women in that period?

Answer by Chad #

During the 19th century social reform movement in India, there were several major issues and debates concerning women. Here are some of the key topics:

1. Women's Education: A crucial aspect of the women's question was the push for female education. Reformers like Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar and Ram Mohan Roy advocated for women's right to education, arguing that it would empower and uplift them from societal constraints.

2. Widow Remarriage: Another important issue was widow remarriage. Widows were traditionally expected to live a life of austerity and seclusion after their husband's death. Reformers such as Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar played a significant role in pressing for legal reforms that would allow widows to remarry, challenging social norms and giving them a chance at a new life.

3. Women's Property Rights: The lack of property rights for women was a significant concern during this period. Women had limited or no rights over inheritance, making them economically dependent on male family members. Reformers fought for legal reforms to grant women property rights and the ability to independently own and inherit property.

4. Social Custom and Tradition: Social customs and traditions created numerous challenges for women. The practice of purdah (seclusion of women), child marriage, and female infanticide were key issues faced by women in Indian society. Reformers sought to challenge and change these customs, advocating for women's rights and equality.

5. Women's Representation and Suffrage: The question of women's representation in societal matters and their exclusion from political participation was also raised during this period. Some reformers argued for women's suffrage and their inclusion in decision-making processes.

6. Social Activism and Advocacy: Women themselves played an active role in the social reform movement. Raja Ram Mohan Roy's Brahmo Samaj and later organizations like the Arya Samaj and the Theosophical Society provided platforms for women to participate in social issues and advocate for their rights.

These issues and debates surrounding women in 19th century India laid the foundation for future feminist movements and contributed to significant legal and social reforms in the following decades.