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'China is using its economic relations and positive trade surplus as tools to develop potential military power status in Asia', In the light of this statement, discuss its impact on India as her neighbor.

Answer by Chad #

China's economic relations and positive trade surplus are indeed being utilized as tools to further its potential military power status in Asia. This has implications for India as its neighbor, leading to both advantages and concerns.

One significant impact on India is the economic dimension. China's economic growth and trade surplus have allowed it to invest heavily in infrastructure development, industrial expansion, and technological advancements. As a result, China now possesses a formidable manufacturing base, advanced technology, and a strong economy. This economic power gives China the ability to exert influence in the region, including the potential to leverage economic ties to India's disadvantage.

China's economic relations with India also impact the bilateral trade relationship. China is India's largest trading partner, with China enjoying a significant trade surplus. This imbalance exposes India to the risk of being economically dependent on China, which could potentially be exploited in the future. Additionally, China's economic strength enables it to engage in neo-colonial policies, such as aggressive investments in neighboring countries, which could undermine Indian influence in its own backyard.

Furthermore, China's economic strength has allowed it to modernize and expand its military capabilities significantly. This has implications for India's security concerns. China's assertiveness in territorial disputes, such as the longstanding boundary issues between India and China, could escalate into military conflicts. Moreover, China's military modernization has raised concerns about its strategic intentions in the region. With an increasingly powerful military, China could potentially challenge India's security interests and regional dominance.

In response to China's growing military capabilities and power projection, India has also been focusing on its own military modernization and strengthening its defense ties with other regional powers. Initiatives like the "Quad" (an informal strategic forum comprising the United States, Japan, India, and Australia) have gained momentum as a counterbalance to China's influence.

On the positive side, China's economic rise presents trade opportunities for India. China is a massive market, and enhanced economic ties can bring benefits to both countries, leading to increased trade and investment. It also provides an avenue for cooperation on common issues such as climate change and global governance.

In conclusion, China's utilization of economic relations and positive trade surplus to bolster its potential military power status in Asia has significant implications for India. While it presents economic opportunities, India needs to carefully manage its economic and security relationship with China to ensure its own interests are protected and its regional influence is not undermined. India's response should involve a combination of diplomatic, economic, and military measures to maintain a balance of power in the region.