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'Globalisation is generally said to promote cultural homogenisation but due to this cultural specificities appear to be strengthened in the Indian society.' Elucidate.

Answer by Chad #

Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of countries through the exchange of goods, services, information, and ideas. It is often argued that globalization leads to cultural homogenization, as certain global cultural elements become dominant and traditional cultural practices are marginalized or lost. However, in the Indian society, globalization seems to have strengthened cultural specificities instead.

1. Preservation of Traditional Culture: Globalization has led to a revival and reaffirmation of traditional cultural practices in India. The exposure to different global cultures has made Indians appreciate their own cultural heritage. This has resulted in a renewed interest in traditional art forms, music, dance, and rituals, leading to their preservation and promotion.

2. Cultural Fusion and Hybridization: While globalization may introduce foreign cultural elements, it can also lead to the fusion of different cultures. Indians have adopted and adapted global cultural elements into their traditional practices, creating a unique blend. For example, Indian cuisine has incorporated ingredients from different parts of the world, resulting in a diverse and rich culinary tradition.

3. Reinforcement of Regional Identities: India is a diverse country with multiple regional identities. Globalization has allowed for greater interaction between different regions, resulting in the strengthening of regional identities. People take pride in their local traditions, languages, festivals, and customs, resisting the homogenizing tendencies of globalization.

4. Resurgence of Indigenous Knowledge: Globalization has also facilitated the dissemination and recognition of indigenous knowledge systems in India. Traditional practices like Ayurveda, yoga, and meditation have gained global recognition and respect, helping preserve and reinforce their importance within Indian society.

5. Cultural Entrepreneurship: Globalization has provided opportunities for cultural entrepreneurship, allowing individuals to capitalize on their unique cultural specificities. This has led to the development of local crafts, textiles, designs, and festivals, which have gained international recognition. These endeavors strengthen cultural specificities and contribute to the preservation of traditional practices.

Overall, while globalization does introduce global cultural influences, it has also resulted in the strengthening and preservation of cultural specificities in Indian society. The appreciation and revitalization of traditional practices, the fusion of diverse cultures, the reinforcement of regional identities, and the recognition of indigenous knowledge have contributed to the resilience of Indian culture in the face of globalization.