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'Communalism arises either due to power struggle or relative deprivation.' Argue by giving suitable illustrations.

Answer by Chad #

Communalism is a social phenomenon that occurs when individuals identify themselves primarily on the basis of their religious, ethnic, or other community affiliations, often leading to conflicts and divisions within society. While there may be numerous factors contributing to the emergence of communalism, the central argument is that it arises either due to power struggle or relative deprivation. This can be illustrated through various historical and contemporary examples.

To begin with, power struggle plays a significant role in fostering communalism. When different religious or ethnic groups vie for political, social, or economic influence, it can lead to the exacerbation of communal tensions. One such example is the partition of India in 1947, which resulted in the creation of India and Pakistan as separate nations. The power struggle between Hindus and Muslims during the independence movement, coupled with political ambitions and rivalries, ultimately led to violent communal riots and the division of the subcontinent along religious lines.

Moreover, communalism often arises due to relative deprivation, wherein a community perceives itself as being deprived of resources, opportunities, or social status when compared to another community. This sense of relative deprivation breeds feelings of resentment and animosity, eventually fueling communal conflicts. A notable instance is the Rwandan genocide in 1994, where the Hutu majority perceived themselves as economically and politically disadvantaged in comparison to the Tutsi minority. This perception of relative deprivation, exacerbated by long-standing animosities, resulted in mass killings and the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives.

Additionally, contemporary examples also shed light on how power struggles and relative deprivation contribute to communalism. In many parts of the world, political parties exploit communal sentiments to gain power and control. For instance, in recent years, some political leaders in India have utilized religious polarization for electoral gains, by promoting communal narratives and stoking religious tensions. This power struggle and manipulation of communal identities have led to an increase in communal violence and divisions within society.

Similarly, conflicts in regions like the Middle East, such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, have deep roots in power struggles and perceived relative deprivation. The struggle for control over land, resources, and political power has fueled communal tensions between Israelis and Palestinians, resulting in decades of violence and mistrust.

In conclusion, communalism is a complex social phenomenon that arises either due to power struggle or relative deprivation within societies. Historical events like the partition of India and the Rwandan genocide, as well as contemporary examples in countries like India and the Middle East, illustrate how these factors contribute to the emergence of communalism. Recognizing and addressing these underlying issues, such as promoting equality, justice, and inclusive governance, is crucial in fostering harmony and avoiding further divisions within diverse societies.