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Why is India taking keen interest in the Arctic region?

Answer by Chad #

1. Resource Exploration: The Arctic region is believed to be rich in natural resources such as oil, gas, minerals, and rare earth elements. India's interest in the Arctic is driven by its need for energy security and its desire to acquire new sources of natural resources.

2. Energy Security: India, being a rapidly growing economy, has a rising demand for energy resources. With Arctic exploration opening up new possibilities for oil and gas reserves, India sees it as an opportunity to enhance its energy security by securing long-term energy supplies.

3. Shipping Routes: The melting of sea ice in the Arctic has made shipping routes more accessible. India's interest in the region is driven by the potential of utilizing the Northern Sea Route (NSR) for maritime trade, as it significantly reduces the distance between Europe and Asia, leading to cost and time savings.

4. Trade Opportunities: The Arctic has the potential to become a new trade route, and India wants to maximize its economic interests by accessing and utilizing this route. It could enhance India's connectivity with European markets and facilitate trade expansion.

5. Scientific Research: India has been actively involved in scientific research in the Arctic region. By participating in research projects and collaborations, India aims to gain knowledge on climate change, biodiversity, natural resources, and its impact on the Indian subcontinent.

6. Climate Change Impact: India is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, including rising sea levels and changing weather patterns. The Arctic, often referred to as the "barometer of global warming," has significant implications for India. Understanding changes in the Arctic helps India better prepare and mitigate the effects of climate change at home.

7. Geopolitical Influence: As the Arctic opens up, it becomes an arena for geopolitical competition and cooperation. India's interest in the region enables it to establish a presence and voice its concerns regarding governance, resource exploitation, and trade routes.

8. Environmental Stewardship: Being a signatory to the Paris Agreement, India has committed to tackling climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By engaging with the Arctic Council and international efforts to protect the Arctic environment, India can contribute to global environmental governance.

9. Enhancing Diplomatic Relations: India's engagement with Arctic nations helps strengthen bilateral and multilateral relations. By participating in Arctic dialogues, conferences, and research collaborations, India can establish and enhance diplomatic ties with countries in the region.

10. Access to Research and Technology: The Arctic countries have advanced technologies and expertise in various fields, including polar research, renewable energy, and sustainable development. India's interest in the Arctic provides opportunities to collaborate and gain access to such knowledge and technology.