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"India's relations with Israel have, of late, acquired a depth and diversity, which cannot be rolled back." Discuss.

Answer by Chad #

India's relations with Israel have indeed acquired a depth and diversity in recent years, which makes it difficult to be rolled back. This shift can be attributed to several key factors such as geopolitical considerations, shared security concerns, economic interests, and cultural similarities.

Firstly, geopolitical considerations have played a significant role in strengthening the ties between India and Israel. India, being one of the largest democracies in the world, has historically been aligned with the Arab world due to its support for the Palestinian cause. However, India's expanding regional influence, along with the changing dynamics in the Middle East, has led to a reevaluation of its foreign policy. The rise of extremist groups, the threat of terrorism, and the growing influence of Iran in the region have made Israel a crucial strategic partner for India. This has resulted in higher-level diplomatic engagements, increased defense cooperation, and intelligence sharing between the two countries.

Secondly, shared security concerns have brought India and Israel closer. Both nations have been victims of terrorism and face similar security challenges. India has struggled with cross-border terrorism from Pakistan, while Israel has faced ongoing threats from militant groups in the region. The exchange of intelligence, counter-terrorism strategies, and defense technologies have become vital elements of their relationship. Israel's expertise in areas such as border security, surveillance, and defense equipment has been of immense value to India, especially in safeguarding its borders and tackling internal security threats.

Thirdly, economic interests have contributed significantly to the deepening of India-Israel relations. Both countries possess strengths in various sectors that complement each other. Israel is known for its technological advancements and innovation, particularly in fields like agriculture, water management, cybersecurity, and renewable energy. India, with its large consumer market and skilled manpower, offers a vast range of opportunities for Israel's businesses and research institutions. Increasing trade, investments, and joint ventures have fostered greater economic interdependence and mutual benefits for both countries.

Furthermore, there exist strong cultural and historical ties between India and Israel. The Jewish community in India has a long and rich history, tracing back to ancient times, and many Jews of Indian origin have migrated to Israel over the years. This connection has created a sense of shared heritage and cultural affinity, which has contributed to the warmth and depth of the bilateral relationship.

In conclusion, the growing depth and diversity in India's relations with Israel are unlikely to be rolled back due to the geopolitical, security, economic, and cultural factors at play. Both countries have realized the benefits of aligning their interests and have been actively strengthening their collaboration in various fields. While India's historical support for Palestine remains a consideration, the changing regional dynamics and the need for strategic partnerships have outweighed any potential rollback.