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How are the principles followed by NITI Aayog different from those followed by the erstwhile planning commission in India?

Answer by Chad #

The principles followed by NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India) are different from those followed by the erstwhile Planning Commission in India in several ways:

1. Bottom-up approach: NITI Aayog follows a bottom-up approach, which means it encourages the active participation of states and Union Territories in the policy-making and planning process. It focuses on cooperative federalism and promotes inclusive development by involving all stakeholders.

2. Decentralized planning: NITI Aayog emphasizes decentralized planning, as opposed to the centralized planning approach of the Planning Commission. It encourages states to come up with their own development plans based on their specific needs and resources.

3. Flexibility and adaptability: NITI Aayog aims to be more flexible and adaptive in its approach. It focuses on providing policy advice and guidance rather than rigidly allocating funds and resources like the Planning Commission did. It encourages innovative solutions and experimentation to address the diverse developmental challenges faced by different states.

4. Private sector involvement: NITI Aayog actively involves the private sector in the policy-making process. It recognizes the significance of robust private sector participation in driving economic growth and development. The Planning Commission, on the other hand, primarily focused on public sector-led development.

5. Outcome-oriented approach: NITI Aayog promotes an outcome-oriented approach, wherein the emphasis is on achieving tangible results. It sets specific targets and monitors progress towards achieving them. The Planning Commission largely focused on planning and resource allocation without a strong emphasis on measuring outcomes.

Overall, the shift from the Planning Commission to NITI Aayog represents a move towards a more participatory, flexible, and outcome-oriented approach in India's policy-making and planning processes.