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What is wetland? Explain the Ramsar concept of 'wise use' in the context of wetland conservation. Cite two examples of Ramsar sites from India.

Answer by Chad #

Wetland refers to an area of land that is saturated or inundated by water, either permanently or seasonally. It includes areas such as marshes, swamps, bogs, and peatlands. Wetlands are crucial ecosystems as they provide numerous benefits such as water filtration, flood control, erosion control, and habitat for a variety of plant and animal species.

The Ramsar concept of 'wise use' in the context of wetland conservation was established by the Ramsar Convention, an international treaty enacted in 1971. The concept promotes the sustainable utilization of wetlands, ensuring their conservation and wise management for present and future generations. 'Wise use' emphasizes the need to balance economic development with the conservation of wetland ecosystems, considering both the ecological and cultural value they hold.

Two examples of Ramsar sites from India are:

1. Chilika Lake: Located in Odisha, Chilika Lake is the largest coastal lagoon in India and the second-largest in the world. It provides a habitat for a large number of migratory and resident bird species, including the endangered Irrawaddy dolphins. It is also an important source of livelihood for local communities through fishing and tourism.

2. Keoladeo National Park: Situated in Rajasthan, Keoladeo National Park is a renowned bird sanctuary and wetland. It serves as a habitat for over 350 species of birds, including the Siberian crane, which is critically endangered. The park is a significant staging and wintering ground for migratory birds and attracts tourists from all over the globe.

Both Chilika Lake and Keoladeo National Park have been recognized as Ramsar sites due to their ecological importance and the need to conserve and manage them wisely.