
Question #11

It is argued that the strategy of inclusive growth is intended to meet the objectives of inclusiveness and sustainability together. Comment on this statement.

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The statement that the strategy of inclusive growth is intended to meet the objectives of inclusiveness and sustainability together is valid.

Inclusive growth refers to a development concept aimed at providing equal opportunities and reducing income inequalities among all segments of society. It focuses on ensuring that the benefits of economic growth are distributed fairly across various social groups, including the poor, marginalized communities, and vulnerable populations.

Sustainability, on the other hand, refers to the ability to meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It emphasizes the need to balance social, economic, and environmental considerations for long-term well-being.

The strategy of inclusive growth inherently incorporates sustainability principles as it recognizes that growth cannot be achieved at the expense of social and environmental well-being. By ensuring that growth benefits all segments of society, including those at the bottom of the income pyramid, it promotes social inclusiveness. This helps to reduce poverty, inequality, and social divisions, which are important components of sustainable development.

Moreover, inclusive growth also fosters economic sustainability by stimulating productive capacities, enhancing human capital, and creating employment opportunities for all. By enabling equal access to resources, markets, and economic opportunities, it helps to empower individuals and communities, thereby contributing to long-term economic development.

Additionally, inclusive growth recognizes the importance of environmental sustainability by promoting sustainable resource management, green technologies, and low-carbon development. By encouraging sustainable practices, it ensures that economic growth does not deplete natural resources or cause irreversible damage to the environment.

Therefore, the strategy of inclusive growth aligns the objectives of inclusiveness and sustainability by promoting social, economic, and environmental well-being simultaneously. It acknowledges the interdependence of these objectives and strives to achieve them in a balanced and mutually reinforcing manner.

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Inclusive Growth: Meeting Inclusiveness and Sustainability Objectives

The statement that inclusive growth strategy aims to meet the objectives of inclusiveness and sustainability together is largely accurate. Here's a breakdown:

Inclusive Growth: This approach emphasizes economic growth that benefits all segments of society, not just the elite. It promotes equitable distribution of opportunities, resources, and benefits, tackling issues like poverty, inequality, and social exclusion.

How Inclusive Growth Meets Inclusiveness:

  • Reduced Poverty and Inequality: Inclusive growth strives to create jobs and opportunities for all, particularly for marginalized communities. It ensures fair wages, access to education and healthcare, and social safety nets.
  • Empowerment of Vulnerable Groups: Inclusive growth policies aim to empower women, youth, minorities, and people with disabilities, enabling them to participate in and benefit from economic development.
  • Stronger Social Cohesion: By addressing inequalities and providing equal opportunities, inclusive growth promotes social harmony and reduces conflict.

How Inclusive Growth Meets Sustainability:

  • Resource Efficiency: Inclusive growth encourages sustainable consumption and production patterns, minimizing environmental impacts and ensuring resource conservation for future generations.
  • Environmental Protection: Inclusive growth considers the social and environmental costs of economic activities, promoting green technologies and policies that protect ecosystems and biodiversity.
  • Long-term Economic Stability: Inclusive growth promotes sustainable development, ensuring that economic progress is not at the expense of future generations' well-being.

Challenges and Considerations:

While inclusive growth aims to achieve both inclusiveness and sustainability, there are challenges:

  • Balancing Economic Growth and Social Equity: Striking the right balance between economic growth and social equity can be difficult.
  • Measuring Progress: Measuring the impact of inclusive growth policies can be challenging, requiring comprehensive data and indicators.
  • Political Will and Implementation: Successful implementation of inclusive growth strategies requires strong political will and effective institutions.


Inclusive growth is a powerful strategy for achieving both inclusiveness and sustainability. By promoting equitable economic development and sustainable practices, it fosters a more just and prosperous society for current and future generations. However, effectively implementing this approach requires overcoming various challenges and fostering collaboration among different stakeholders.

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The statement suggests that inclusive growth is a strategy that aims to achieve two primary objectives: inclusiveness and sustainability. This is a accurate reflection of the concept of inclusive growth, which seeks to promote economic growth that is both socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable.

Inclusiveness refers to the distribution of benefits and opportunities among all members of society, particularly the poor and vulnerable. Inclusive growth strategies aim to reduce poverty, inequality, and social exclusion by providing access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. This approach recognizes that economic growth is not an end in itself, but rather a means to improve the well-being of all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Sustainability, on the other hand, refers to the long-term viability of economic growth and development. It ensures that the natural resources and ecosystem services that underpin economic activity are maintained and preserved for future generations. Inclusive growth strategies that prioritize sustainability aim to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation and resource depletion, promoting a more circular and regenerative economy.

The pursuit of inclusive growth that combines these two objectives is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Mutual reinforcement: Inclusiveness and sustainability are mutually reinforcing goals. For instance, investing in education and healthcare can increase human capital, which in turn can drive economic growth and reduce poverty. Similarly, sustainable practices can create new job opportunities and stimulate local economies, leading to more inclusive growth.
  2. Addressing poverty and inequality: Inclusive growth strategies can help address poverty and inequality by providing opportunities for marginalized groups to participate in the economy. This, in turn, can reduce social unrest and promote more stable and sustainable economic growth.
  3. Environmental protection: By prioritizing sustainability, inclusive growth strategies can help mitigate the negative environmental impacts of economic growth, such as climate change, deforestation, and pollution. This ensures that economic development is environmentally sustainable and socially responsible.
  4. Long-term growth: Inclusive growth that is sustainable can lead to more resilient and long-term economic growth, as it is less prone to external shocks and can adapt to changing circumstances.

In conclusion, the statement is accurate in highlighting the dual objectives of inclusive growth. By pursuing inclusiveness and sustainability simultaneously, policymakers can create a more equitable and sustainable economy that benefits all members of society and preserves the natural environment for future generations.