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Evaluate the policies of Lord Curzon and their long term implications on the national movements.

Answer by Chad #

Lord Curzon was the Viceroy of India from 1899 to 1905 and his policies had significant long-term implications on the national movements in India. Some of the major policies of Lord Curzon and their impact on the national movements are as follows:

1. Partition of Bengal: One of the most controversial policies of Lord Curzon was the partition of Bengal in 1905. The partition was done on the basis of administrative convenience but had serious political and cultural consequences. The partition was seen as a deliberate attempt to weaken the growing nationalistic movement in Bengal, particularly by separating the Muslim-majority eastern region from the Hindu-majority western region. The protest against the partition united Hindus and Muslims and gave a new impetus to the national movement in India. The Swadeshi movement, boycott of British goods, and increased political consciousness were the significant outcomes of this policy.

2. Indian Councils Act 1909: Lord Curzon's efforts to introduce some reforms in the Indian political system resulted in the Indian Councils Act 1909, also known as the Morley-Minto reforms. This act increased the number of elected members in the legislative councils and allowed limited representation for Indians in the decision-making process. However, the reforms were criticized for being inadequate and not meeting the aspirations of Indian politicians and activists. The moderate leaders like Gopal Krishna Gokhale supported the reforms, but the more radical nationalists saw these measures as tokenism and demanded more comprehensive changes, leading to a growing demand for complete self-government.

3. Regulation of Universities: Lord Curzon implemented several policies to regulate universities in India, which were seen by many as attempts to control and suppress nationalist sentiments. He introduced measures to restrict the autonomy of universities, such as the Indian Universities Act 1904, which sought to increase government control over academic institutions. These measures were met with widespread opposition from students and academics who saw them as an infringement on their freedom of expression and right to education. The protests against these regulations further fueled the national movement.

4. Preservation of Historical Monuments: Lord Curzon is also known for his efforts in preserving Indian historical monuments and promoting archaeological study. While these policies were appreciated by many, they were also criticized for being selective and biased towards showcasing India's ancient past while ignoring contemporary grievances. Nonetheless, the preservation and restoration of historical monuments played a role in fostering a sense of pride and national identity among Indians and contributed to the larger nationalist sentiment.

Overall, Lord Curzon's policies had mixed implications on the national movements in India. While some of his policies were met with resistance and fueled the nationalist movement, others were seen as attempts to control and suppress the growing Indian nationalism. The partition of Bengal and the regulations on universities ignited widespread protests, and the Indian Councils Act failed to satisfy the demand for self-government. These factors contributed to the strengthening of the nationalist movement and ultimately, India's struggle for independence.