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Account for the present location of iron and steel industries away from the source of raw material, by giving examples.

Answer by Chad #

The present location of iron and steel industries away from the source of raw material can be attributed to various factors, including technological advancements, transportation infrastructure, and market demands. Here are a few examples accounting for this phenomenon:

1. Pittsburgh, United States: Historically, Pittsburgh was a major hub for the iron and steel industry due to its proximity to abundant reserves of coal and iron ore in the surrounding Appalachian region. However, with the development of advanced mining technologies and efficient transportation systems, iron and steel industries have shifted away from Pittsburgh to other regions such as the Great Lakes region in the northern United States, where access to both raw materials and water transportation is advantageous.

2. Ruhr Valley, Germany: The Ruhr Valley became one of Europe's largest iron and steel manufacturing regions during the 19th and 20th centuries due to its proximity to large coal reserves. However, as the coal mines started to deplete and environmental concerns grew, the industry gradually shifted away from the Ruhr Valley to other regions like eastern Germany or even overseas to countries with abundant raw material access, such as Brazil or Australia.

3. Jamshedpur, India: In contrast to the previous examples, Jamshedpur is a unique case where the iron and steel industry was established far away from the sources of raw materials. Located in Jharkhand state, Jamshedpur was founded by the Tata Group in the early 20th century and became a well-developed steel manufacturing center using iron ore from the nearby Chhattisgarh region and coal transported from Jharia coalfield located roughly 200 kilometers away.

Modern technological advancements in mining, refining, and transportation have made it economically feasible for iron and steel industries to be located away from the source of raw materials. Access to skilled labor, markets, efficient transportation networks, and considerations for environmental regulations also play vital roles in determining the present-day locations of these industries.