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'Indian diaspora has a decisive role to play in the politics and economy of America and European Countries'. Comment with examples.

Answer by Chad #

The Indian diaspora indeed has a substantial role to play in the politics and economy of America and European countries. Here are a few examples that highlight their significance:

1. Political Influence: Indian diaspora members have made notable contributions to the political landscape of the United States and European countries. For instance, Kamala Harris, the current Vice President of the United States, is of Indian and Jamaican descent. She represents the influence and political impact of the Indian diaspora. Similarly, Priti Patel, serving as the Home Secretary of the United Kingdom, showcases the role of the Indian diaspora in the British political scenario.

2. Economic Contributions: The Indian diaspora holds significant economic influence in America and European countries. Indian-origin entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals have created successful businesses and generated employment opportunities. For instance, Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, is of Indian origin. His success exemplifies the economic impact of the Indian diaspora.

3. Philanthropy and Investments: The Indian diaspora often engages in philanthropic activities and investments that contribute to the economy and society. They fund projects in their home countries and contribute to welfare programs, healthcare initiatives, education, and research. These investments and philanthropic endeavors play a crucial role in supporting economic growth and development in both India and the countries where the diaspora resides.

4. Cultural Diplomacy: The Indian diaspora acts as cultural ambassadors, promoting Indian arts, music, cuisine, and festivals in America and European countries. This cultural outreach has enhanced the understanding and appreciation of Indian culture worldwide, fostering cross-cultural exchanges and trade opportunities. The popularity of Indian cuisine, Bollywood films, and yoga are some examples of the diaspora's impact on cultural diplomacy.

5. Academic and Scientific Excellence: Indian-origin individuals have excelled in various academic and scientific disciplines, contributing to research and development in America and European countries. From Nobel laureates like Amartya Sen and Venkatraman Ramakrishnan to academics excelling in fields such as technology, medicine, and engineering, the Indian diaspora is actively involved in advancing knowledge and innovation.

In conclusion, the Indian diaspora has demonstrated its decisive role in the politics and economy of America and European countries through political representation, economic contributions, philanthropy, cultural diplomacy, and academic achievements. Their impact extends beyond individual success stories and significantly contributes to the growth and development of the countries they reside in.