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Rajya Sabha has been transformed from a 'useless stepney tyre' to the most useful supporting organ in past few decades. Highlight the factors as well as the areas in which this transformation could be visible.

Answer by Chad #

The Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Indian Parliament, has undergone a significant transformation in recent decades. From being viewed as a "useless stepney tyre" (spare tire) to becoming a crucial supporting organ, several factors have contributed to this shift. There are several areas in which this transformation is visible:

1. Representation of states: One of the key aspects of Rajya Sabha is its representation of states. Members of the house are not directly elected by the people but are nominated or elected by the state legislatures. This ensures that all states, irrespective of their population, have equal representation in the upper house. As a result, the Rajya Sabha acts as a platform for states to voice their concerns and interests, which strengthens federalism and promotes regional balance.

2. Expertise and experience: Rajya Sabha members often bring a wealth of expertise and experience from various fields such as politics, academia, business, and social work. This diverse composition enhances the quality of debates and discussions in the house and facilitates the formulation of well-informed decisions. This expertise-driven approach has made Rajya Sabha a valuable platform for policy deliberations and legislative scrutiny.

3. Continuity and stability: Rajya Sabha members have a longer tenure compared to members of the lower house, the Lok Sabha. As a result, the Rajya Sabha provides a sense of continuity and stability in the parliamentary system. This ensures that there is a repository of knowledge and institutional memory, enabling the house to effectively analyze and review legislation over an extended period. The Rajya Sabha's stability also helps in maintaining checks and balances within the legislative process.

4. Legislative review and revision: The Rajya Sabha plays a significant role in the legislative process by reviewing and revising bills passed by the Lok Sabha. It acts as a deliberative chamber, scrutinizing legislation and proposing amendments. This ensures that laws undergo comprehensive evaluation, minimizing any potential loopholes or shortcomings. The Rajya Sabha's role in legislative review contributes to the overall quality and effectiveness of laws in the country.

5. Representation of national parties: While the Lok Sabha predominantly represents the party with a majority in the lower house, the Rajya Sabha provides an important platform for national parties. Even if a party does not have a majority in the Rajya Sabha, its presence allows for effective opposition, robust debate, and the consideration of alternative viewpoints. This enhances democracy and helps maintain a balance of power between different political parties.

6. Inclusivity and social representation: The Rajya Sabha ensures social representation by nominating members from various backgrounds, including those from marginalized sections of society. This ensures that the house serves as a platform to discuss and address issues related to social justice, minority rights, and gender equality.

Overall, the transformation of the Rajya Sabha from a "useless stepney tyre" to a useful supporting organ can be attributed to factors such as equal representation of states, expertise-driven decision-making, continuity and stability, legislative review, representation of national parties, and inclusivity in social representation.