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Describe the benefits of deriving electric energy from sunlight in contrast to the conventional energy generation. What are the initiatives offered by our Government for this purpose?

Answer by Chad #

Deriving electric energy from sunlight, also known as solar energy, offers several benefits in contrast to conventional energy generation methods such as burning fossil fuels. Some of these benefits are:

1. Renewable: Solar energy is a renewable source of energy as it is derived from sunlight, which is abundant and freely available. Unlike fossil fuels, solar energy is not finite and can be harnessed indefinitely.

2. Environmentally Friendly: Solar energy is a clean source of energy that does not produce greenhouse gas emissions or air pollution. It helps reduce the carbon footprint and mitigate climate change.

3. Cost-effective: The cost of solar panels and related technology has significantly decreased over the years, making solar energy more affordable. Once installed, solar energy systems have low operational costs and save on electricity bills.

4. Energy Independence: Utilizing solar energy reduces dependence on imported fossil fuels, increasing energy security and independence.

5. Job Creation: The widespread adoption of solar energy creates jobs in manufacturing, installation, and maintenance of solar panels and related infrastructure.

To accelerate the adoption of solar energy in the country, governments worldwide, including ours, have introduced various initiatives and policies. Some of these initiatives in our government include:

1. Subsidies and Incentives: The government provides financial incentives such as tax credits, grants, and subsidies to individuals, businesses, and communities to install solar energy systems. These incentives aim to make solar energy more financially viable and accessible.

2. Net Metering: Our government has implemented net metering policies, allowing solar energy system owners to sell excess electricity back to the grid. This enables them to offset their electricity consumption and incentivizes the adoption of solar energy.

3. Renewable Portfolio Standards: Our government has set specific targets for the proportion of electricity generation that should come from renewable sources, including solar energy. These standards incentivize utility companies to invest in and deploy solar energy projects.

4. Research and Development: The government invests in research and development initiatives to improve solar energy technologies, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. These efforts aim to make solar energy even more competitive with conventional energy sources.

These initiatives and policies encourage individuals, businesses, and communities to transition towards solar energy, driving sustainable and clean energy generation that offers numerous advantages over conventional energy sources.