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What are the key features of the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) initiated by the Government of India?

Answer by Chad #

The key features of the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) initiated by the Government of India are:

1. Objective: The primary objective of the NCAP is to enhance air quality in cities and regions across India and reduce pollution levels by 20-30% in the next five years.

2. Area-based Approach: The program adopts an area-based approach by focusing on 122 major cities that have a high load of air pollution. These cities are selected based on their air quality data.

3. Collaborative Action: The NCAP promotes a collaborative approach by involving multiple stakeholders, including central ministries, state governments, local authorities, and civil societies. It emphasizes the concept of 'coordinated and convergent action' among all stakeholders.

4. Source Apportionment Studies: The program aims to conduct city-specific source apportionment studies to identify the major sources of pollution and tailor interventions accordingly. This helps in developing targeted action plans for each city.

5. Technology Adoption: The NCAP aims to promote the adoption of technology for pollution control. It encourages the use of suitable technologies and techniques, such as advanced sensors, real-time monitoring systems, and air quality forecasting models.

6. Strengthening Monitoring Network: The program focuses on strengthening the existing monitoring network for air quality across cities. It aims to increase the number of monitoring stations and offers real-time data dissemination to the public.

7. Public Participation: The NCAP recognizes the importance of public participation and awareness. It aims to involve citizens and educational institutions through campaigns, outreach programs, and awareness activities to mobilize public support for clean air action.

8. Capacity Building: The program emphasizes the capacity building of national, state, and local institutions involved in air pollution control. It includes training programs, workshops, and knowledge sharing platforms to enhance technical and scientific capabilities.

9. Inter-sectoral Cooperation: The NCAP encourages inter-sectoral cooperation among various departments such as transport, industry, energy, and waste management to address pollution from multiple sectors.

10. Time-Bound Implementation: The NCAP sets specific timelines and targets for the implementation of various action plans. It emphasizes regular monitoring and evaluation to assess the progress and take necessary corrective measures.