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Do Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committees keep the administration on its toes and inspire reverence for parliamentary control? Evaluate the working of such committees with suitable examples.

Answer by Chad #

Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committees play a crucial role in the functioning of parliamentary control and ensuring the accountability of the administration. These committees are responsible for examining various bills, policies, and issues related to specific departments. They scrutinize the government's functioning, evaluate its performance, and suggest improvements, thereby keeping the administration on its toes and inspiring reverence for parliamentary control.

One example of the effectiveness of such committees is the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), which scrutinizes the government's financial transactions. The PAC thoroughly examines the government's audit reports, analyzes their findings, and holds the administration accountable for any financial irregularities or mismanagement. By doing so, it ensures that taxpayers' money is used efficiently and inspires a sense of responsibility and transparency within the administration.

Another example is the Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice. This committee examines matters related to the personnel policies of the government, legal and constitutional issues, and public grievances. It plays a pivotal role in ensuring the administration's adherence to laws, regulations, and ethical conduct. By conducting detailed inquiries and suggesting improvements, this committee inspires reverence for parliamentary control and reinforces the importance of the rule of law.

These committees also provide a platform for constructive dialogue and debate between elected representatives and the administration. They allow members of parliament to ask questions, seek clarifications, and express concerns about policies and actions of the government. This helps in maintaining transparency, fostering democratic values, and encouraging the administration to be more responsive to the needs and aspirations of the public.

However, the effectiveness of these committees is not without challenges. Sometimes, due to political affiliations or time constraints, committee recommendations might not be implemented promptly or adequately. It is crucial to ensure that the recommendations of these committees are given due importance and are followed through to achieve the desired impact on governance.

In conclusion, department-related Parliamentary Standing Committees provide a robust mechanism for parliamentary control and accountability. They act as watchdogs, keeping the administration on its toes and inspiring reverence for parliamentary oversight. While they face challenges, their working, as exemplified by committees like the PAC and the Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law, and Justice, significantly contributes to ensuring a responsible and efficient administration.