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"If the last few decades were of Asia's growth story, the next few are expected to be of Africa's." In the light of this statement, examine India's influence in Africa in recent years.

Answer by Chad #

In recent years, India's influence in Africa has significantly increased, as it recognizes the continent's potential for economic growth and strategic partnerships. India's engagement with Africa can be seen through various initiatives and actions in multiple sectors.

1. Economic Cooperation: India's trade with Africa has been expanding steadily, with bilateral trade reaching over $63 billion in 2017-2018. India has focused on sectors like pharmaceuticals, automobiles, information technology, and agriculture to enhance economic ties with African countries. India has also provided lines of credit and investment support to facilitate infrastructure development projects in Africa.

2. Development Assistance: India has been active in providing development assistance to African countries through initiatives like the India-Africa Development Fund and India-Africa Forum Summit. These platforms aim to support capacity building, agriculture, energy, healthcare, and education sectors in Africa.

3. Energy Security: India is heavily dependent on energy imports, and as Africa possesses abundant natural resources, it becomes a significant partner for India's energy security. India has invested in African countries like Mozambique, Tanzania, and Nigeria for oil and gas exploration and production. Securing energy resources from Africa is crucial to fuel India's economic growth.

4. Diplomatic Engagements: India has actively engaged with African nations at various forums, including the India-Africa Forum Summit held in 2008 and 2015. These periodic summits enhance political, economic, and cultural ties between India and African countries. India has also supported African countries at international platforms such as the United Nations.

5. Education and Healthcare Cooperation: India has been a preferred destination for African students seeking quality education in fields like medicine, engineering, and technology. Indian educational institutions have offered scholarships and facilitated capacity building programs to strengthen human resource development in Africa. Additionally, India has provided healthcare and medical assistance through initiatives like telemedicine and capacity building of healthcare workers.

6. Defense Cooperation: India has increased defense cooperation with African nations to enhance maritime security, counter-terrorism operations, and capacity building. Indian naval ships regularly visit African ports, promoting collaboration in areas like maritime surveillance, disaster relief, and anti-piracy efforts.

However, it is important to note that India's influence in Africa is still relatively modest compared to other global players like China, Europe, or the United States. Challenges such as competition from other foreign powers, infrastructure gaps, and political instability in some African countries might limit India's influence in certain regions. Nevertheless, India's growing engagement with Africa demonstrates its commitment to deepening economic, political, and social ties with the continent in the coming years.