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"Right of movement and residence throughout the territory of India are freely available to the Indian citizens, but these rights are not absolute." Comment.

Answer by Chad #

The statement is true that the right of movement and residence throughout the territory of India is freely available to Indian citizens, but these rights are not absolute. While Indian citizens have the freedom to travel and reside anywhere within the country, there are certain limitations and exceptions to this right.

One of the limitations is regarding national security. The government has the authority to impose restrictions on movement and residence in certain areas for security reasons, such as border regions or areas affected by insurgency or terrorism. The purpose is to protect the citizens and maintain law and order.

Additionally, restrictions can be imposed during times of emergency or exceptional circumstances, such as periods of natural disasters, public health emergencies, or other situations where there is a need to control movement for the greater good. These restrictions are usually temporary and lifted once the situation improves.

Another aspect that limits the right of movement and residence is related to certain legal provisions and procedural requirements. For example, individuals may need permission or permits to enter or reside in certain areas, especially for sensitive locations like military bases, wildlife sanctuaries, or protected areas. Non-compliance with such requirements can result in legal consequences.

Furthermore, the right to movement and residence can also be curtailed for specific groups of individuals, such as those who are under trial, convicted of crimes, or deemed a threat to public safety. In such cases, restrictions on movement and residence may be imposed as a preventive measure or as part of a legal penalty.

In summary, while Indian citizens have the freedom of movement and residence within the country, these rights are subject to certain limitations. The government has the authority to impose restrictions for reasons of national security, emergency situations, legal provisions, or for specific categories of individuals. These limitations are in place to ensure the well-being of the citizens and to maintain public order.