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Explain the causes and effects of coastal erosion in India. What are the available coastal management techniques for combating the hazard?

Answer by Chad #

Coastal erosion in India is primarily caused by a combination of natural and human-induced factors. These include:

1. Natural Factors:

- Strong waves and tidal actions: Coastal areas in India are frequently exposed to high energy waves and tidal actions, especially during monsoon seasons. These waves can erode shorelines and accelerate erosion processes.

- Sea level rise: Global warming and climate change have resulted in rising sea levels, which contribute to increased coastal erosion. Higher sea levels cause beaches to retreat and undermine the stability of coastal landforms.

2. Human-Induced Factors:

- Dam construction: Dams built on rivers that flow into the sea can disrupt the natural sediment flow, leading to reduced sediment supply to the coast and increased erosion.

- Sand mining: Excessive sand mining from riverbeds and coastal areas for construction purposes disrupts the natural sediment balance, depriving the coast of sand and making it more vulnerable to erosion.

- Construction near the shoreline: Unplanned and unregulated construction of infrastructure near the shoreline, such as ports, harbors, and resorts, can disrupt natural coastal processes, leading to accelerated erosion.

Effects of coastal erosion in India:

1. Land loss: Coastal erosion can lead to the loss of valuable coastal land, including agricultural land, settlements, and infrastructure.

2. Displacement of communities: Erosion can force coastal communities to relocate, resulting in social and economic disruptions.

3. Loss of biodiversity: Coastal erosion can destroy coastal habitats, including mangroves, estuaries, and sand dunes, which are crucial for the survival of various marine and terrestrial species.

4. Increased vulnerability to coastal hazards: Erosion decreases the natural ability of coastlines to dissipate energy from storms, making them more susceptible to damage from cyclones and floods.

Coastal management techniques for combating coastal erosion:

1. Beach nourishment: This involves adding sand to eroded beaches to restore their width and height, acting as a natural buffer against erosion.

2. Construction of breakwaters and seawalls: These structures are built offshore or along the shoreline to absorb wave energy and protect the coast from erosion.

3. Mangrove restoration: Planting or rehabilitating mangrove forests along the shoreline can help stabilize the coast by reducing wave energy and trapping sediments.

4. Regulation of sand mining: Implementing strict regulations and monitoring sand mining activities to prevent excessive extraction can help maintain the natural sediment balance and reduce erosion.

5. Integrated coastal zone management (ICZM): This approach involves the coordinated management of land, water, and resources in coastal areas to ensure sustainable development while protecting valuable coastal ecosystems.

It is essential to implement a combination of these techniques considering the unique characteristics of each coastal area to effectively combat coastal erosion in India.